Thursday, June 19, 2008

Update on Parenting Dilemma #2

Carter is showing off his new potty chart!

A while back I posted an entry about the difficulties I was having trying to potty train my boys. Well, I am happy to report that things are going much better than I had expected. We tried pull-ups for a while, and although they come in handy for quick trips to the bathroom the boys still considered them as diapers and would go in them whenever they felt the need.

Earlier this week, I decided to bite the bullet and go solely with "big boy" underwear. I knew it was going to be messy, but I felt the boys needed to dislike going in their pants before they would quit. I am happy to report that the twins are doing great with the change. Even though we were gone most of the day, at the zoo and softball games, Spencer never once had an accident. Mason had one in the morning, but was very good the rest of the day! Carter is doing great as well. He is still in pull-ups, but he is telling us when he needs to go on a regular basis.

I am very proud of the progress all three of them have made. Do you realize how much money I will be saving once all three of them are out of diapers??

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