Monday, August 3, 2009

Getting Ahead

I have a feeling that I will never get ahead with these three around!! We begin our day with our normal routine... get up, have breakfast, brush our teeth, get dressed, make the bed, then check my email. As I am at my desk checking my messages, I turn around and discover that the boys have made a mess out of the 13 pillows I have strategically placed on my bed as well as added a few of their own to the mix. Feeling a little frustrated by the fact that I now needed to waste my energy redoing a job that was already done I asked, "What are you doing?" Their response, "We're making a sculpture!" My frustration was immediately replaced with laughter. How could I be mad at that response?? I didn't even know they knew what a sculpture was. I guess my attempts to turn them into well-rounded civilized human beings who are culturally diverse must be working... even if they are little tornadoes at home!

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